Lovassy Laszlo Secondary Grammar School VS. Neumann Janos Secondary School
Antal Bálint (Anti) Design, Code
Tech Maniac, Programmer and Musician absolutely in one.
- Music
- Trolls
- Quentin Tarantino's
- "Some people feels the rain. Others just get wet."
- Beer
Balogh Ákos (aHoks)Captain, Design, Web
Apple maniac, and... Apple again.
- Apple
- Windows ;)
- The Big Bang Theory
- Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do. Steve Jobs
- Tea, tea, iTea
Gyarmati LászlóProgramming
I'm studying in Laszlo Lovassy High School, with Akos. My life is my config.
- Intel i7
- Robin Hood
- Has not peace honours and glories of her own unattended by the dangers of war. Hermocrates of Syracuse
- Coke
Mérő BálintDesign, Code
IT, just IT
- Kittens
- Lazy people
- Requiem for a Dream
- "Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level and then beat you with experience." Woody Allen
- Wine
Süle Zoltán Mentor
University of Pannonia